Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Integrated Entrepreneurship Education In All Subjects

What is meant by entrepreneurship education integrated in the learning process is penginternalisasian entrepreneurial values ​​into learning so that the results gained awareness of the importance of values​​, character formation and habituation entrepreneur entrepreneurial values ​​into the behavior of everyday learners through the learning process which takes place both inside and outside the classroom in all subjects. Basically learning activities, in addition to making the students master the competencies (material) is targeted, well designed and conducted to make students recognize, realize / care, and internalize the values ​​of entrepreneurship and making behavior. This step is done by integrating the values ​​of entrepreneurship into the learning in all subjects at school. This integration step can be done at the time of delivering the material, through a method of learning as well as through the scoring system.

In integrating the values ​​of entrepreneurship there are many values ​​that can be implanted on the learner. If all the values ​​of entrepreneurship should be inculcated with the same intensity in all subjects, then the investment value becomes very heavy. Therefore, the values ​​of entrepreneurship planting is done in stages by selecting a number of our core values ​​as a base of departure for the cultivation of other values​​. Furthermore, core values ​​are integrated in all subjects. Thus each subject focuses on the cultivation of certain core values ​​that most closely to the characteristics of the subjects concerned. Entrepreneurial core values ​​are integrated into all subjects at the first step there are 6 (six) the principal amount that is: independent, creative risk-taking, leadership, action-oriented and hard work.

The integration of entrepreneurship education in the subjects carried out starting from the planning, implementation, and evaluation of learning in all subjects. At the planning stage, the syllabus and lesson plans designed to facilitate the learning content and activities to integrate the values ​​of entrepreneurship. How to prepare a syllabus which integrated the values ​​of entrepreneurship carried out by adapting the existing syllabus by adding one column in the syllabus to accommodate the values ​​of entrepreneurship that will be integrated. As for how to prepare lesson plans that integrate with the values ​​of entrepreneurship carried out by adapting the existing RPP by adding arrows material, measures of learning or assessment with the values ​​of entrepreneurship.

Learning principles used in the development of entrepreneurship education effort so that learners know and accept the values ​​of entrepreneurship as their own and are responsible for the decisions taken through the stages of familiar options, assess options, determine the establishment, and then make a value corresponding with confidence. with this principle, learners learn through the process of thinking, acting, and acting. The third process is intended to develop the learners ability to carry out activities related to the values ​​of entrepreneurship.

Integrating the values ​​of entrepreneurship in the syllabus and lesson plans can be done through the following steps:

     - Assess SK and KD to determine whether the values ​​of entrepreneurship have been included therein.
     * To embody the values ​​of entrepreneurship that have been listed in the syllabus into SKdan KD.
     - Developing a learning step that allows learners active learners have the opportunity to show the integration of values ​​and behavior.
     - Including step of active learning that integrates the values ​​of entrepreneurship into the RPP.

Business Education - A Professional Support for New Business

Entrepreneurship education elucidates a lot of success stories encouraging several people to join the bandwagon of successful entrepreneurs - but how? There are certain prerequisites and skill sets that are imperative to pursue the dream of becoming a successful entrepreneur. Merely a desire, ipso facto, cannot transform your vision to reality. One of the preconditions is entrepreneurship or business education which can open the doors of opportunities and success for future entrepreneurs and prove to be a support for new business.

Appropriate education in entrepreneurship will assist you becoming more prepared to brave the hard realities of business world and take calculated risks. Business education prepares you to take the challenge of venturing into the business world head on, as you virtually have no idea how the market will react to the change you introduce. Given this situation, you need to anticipate the multiple risk factors that may affect your calculation of business. Cutting down the risk factors is of utmost significance in the business. Business education organizations, acting as support for new business, offers the well rounded and precisely structured courses that educates you how to run and succeed as an entrepreneur integrating innovation and business skills.

Every entrepreneurship education stimulates innovation and, in turn, innovation triggers progress. Leveraging these business courses students can develop effective business communication skills, critical envision and problem solving techniques. These business courses offer more rigorous education that is driven towards career-oriented professionals. This type of entrepreneurship training gives students the creativity, innovation and flexibility that are needed when undertaking the task of establishing their own companies.

Just business education is not enough entrepreneurs also contemplate on the business services that can consolidate their business. They search for better service vendors and suppliers for the non-core activities so that they can focus only on their core business. There are some non-profit organizations those are helping entrepreneurs and small business owners to get the best vendors and suppliers at reasonable cost. Such support services are also fast becoming a part of business education structure of several business education institutes.

What it takes to become an entrepreneur are passion, determination, knowledge, self discipline, and commitment. The spirit of entrepreneurs is catapulting and enabling more youngsters to take ownership of their responsibilities. Huge corporations value an entrepreneur due to their willingness to make sacrifices to gain a foothold for their business. Business courses produce such entrepreneurs and enable them to pursue their goals in the genre of business world.

The only contemplation and focus that should be taken into consideration is the right selection of educational organization suiting your needs and long term goals. Don't take the plunge in haste and take enough time to research, find and zero in to the appropriate business institution which can help you in transforming your dreams of carving a niche in the competitive world of business.

StepUp Venture University is a not-for-profit organization aiming to offer business education to future along with already established entrepreneurs. It is committed to teach business skill sets to those who want to start their own business and succeed. Acting as a support for new business, StepUp is dedicated to offer quality education and support system to its students.

Non-boundary Governance of Entrepreneurship Education within Higher Education


The focus of entrepreneurship and innovation education and research at institutions of higher education ipso facto implies a wish to enhance the quality of graduate and post-graduate business venturing prospects as well as business know-how in the normally pre-entrepreneurial stage. This should happen within a sense-making framework that integrates the research and education agenda for graduate entrepreneurship. Further, an entrepreneurship and innovation education and research approach should be followed that guide the content of the competitive landscape in which the prospective entrepreneur will function and not lag behind and thereby looses its relevance.

Of particular importance to entrepreneurial education lies the ability of institutions of higher education to shift and circulate information and technologies across faculties despite different academic disciplines, professional codes, and academic language that act as academic venture boundaries. These boundaries frustrate the need to integrate entrepreneurship education throughout a higher education institution, thus inhibiting the smooth functioning of entrepreneurial education. Thus, a need exists to overcome these barriers by amalgamating the various faculties socially across faculties whereby entrepreneurial educators could play "bridging roles" by acting as "boundary spanners" between faculties and forming close cohesive networks through the whole institution. This will enable educators in entrepreneurial higher education to link otherwise unconnected faculties to facilitate the development of unique knowledge and access to special knowledge and opportunities. This create an advantage over the traditional structural design where educators were only part of a specific faculty cohesive group.

In the new economy, technology and knowledge production on which it is based, have become an intrinsic part of the economy. As a result, it may be envisaged that education and research in institutions of higher education will need to support the whole technology development process, which also include the process of innovation. In this regard, it may be more appropriate to develop education and research policies that addresses the whole technology-innovation chain instead of merely the research-development chain, as the research-innovation chain involves taking ideas, turning them into technologies and taking these, through research and development, out of the laboratory and proving them in real-world situations.


The aim of this paper is to propose an educational governance framework for entrepreneurship and innovation at institutions of higher education to foster the upgrading of entrepreneurial competencies in students whilst preserving the traditional academic competencies of students and the provision of unique entrepreneurial opportunities to students to perform entrepreneurial tasks.

Non-boundary governance

Firstly, with regards to the governance of entrepreneurship education at higher education institutions it is proposed that it should be managed by an "inter-faculty-inter-industry committee" (boundary-spanning leadership is provided) in order to achieve a greater measure of integration (common building blocks is created) in terms of generic entrepreneurial skills requirements that cross over academic disciplines, whilst simultaneously making provision for the unique disciplinary requirements and needs of specific disciplines. This implies a shift away from the traditional independent faculty approach (functional myopia) which lacks commonly shared interests that is adopted by most universities and substituting it for a new re-configured structure able to create entrepreneurial value through a holistic, yet focussed approach (integrated birds eye view) among various faculties. This largely represents the antithesis of the traditional academic governance approach followed at the majority of institutions of higher education. However, it is considered necessary, as it is able to strike out higher potential for entrepreneurship and innovation directions through the whole academic supply chain. In essence a virtual horizontal department - operating on the basis of value chains - is created, without necessarily increasing the staff operational cost to the institution. Creating a virtual horizontal department will ensure that all employees (lecturing staff) interpret the market signals better, and ensure that customer and entrepreneurial concerns become known to all faculties, regardless of their function in the university leading to a better customer focus. By establishing an inter-faculty-inter-industry committee, opportunity is created for healthy and critical curriculum content debate (knowledge interaction), whilst module developers become better informed on borderline subjects and aspects. Even more essential is the protection that will be provided to ensure that the disciplinary, inter-disciplinary and trans-disciplinary entrepreneurship field of study is not vulnerable to the "tactic of isolation" by claiming academic ownership in one faculty.

Secondly, entrepreneurship and innovation cannot flourish within institutional isolation. Cross-fertilisation of national and international academic and industry business networks is required not only to build leading edge relevant curriculum content, but also to keep up to date with the dynamics in the field. In this regard it would be important to create entrepreneurial knowledge champions in each of the faculties, whilst still operating under the academic guidance of an Entrepreneurial Centre of Excellence that could coordinate all activities and ensure proper co-operation between faculties. In essence, the Entrepreneurial Centre of Excellence's focus is to orchestrate the entrepreneurial functions in all the faculties. This will further ensure that the "big divide" in entrepreneurial education between faculties is largely eliminated. With regard to its functions within the institution the Entrepreneurial Centre of Excellence's role could be to:

Establish an operating and repertoire-building entrepreneurship and innovation education framework and technique approach applying to real-time methodologies;

Facilitate new entrepreneurial and innovation horizons for the institution through the diffusion of new information, the establishment of dialogue processes, and the exploration of new required dynamic capabilities;

Build entrepreneurial talent for intellectual entrepreneurship leadership; and

Establish bonding entrepreneurial networks that form the nucleus of the core of the university's entrepreneurial value system through web-connectivity, conferences and seminars, mobilising critical mass of people for innovation and the management of Memorandums of Understanding.


This paper emphasised the need to create governance mechanisms that could properly address the disciplinary, interdisciplinary and trans-disciplinary nature of entrepreneurial education in higher education institutions. It proposed the establishment of a joint-responsibility structure able to span the entrepreneurial holes in institutions of higher education whilst receiving guidance from a centrally Centre of Excellence that could coordinate all entrepreneurial education and ensure cooperation by all academic faculties. Implementation of these proposals could be done at minimum cost to the institution.

Jan Grundling is the Head of the Centre of Entrepreneurship at Tshwane University of Technology, South Africa. He has published extensively nationally and internationally in various journals.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Entrepreneurship Education and Innovating Success

Entrepreneurship education spawns a lot of success stories and these encourage a lot of people to go start their own businesses. And with the help of the internet, entrepreneurship education opens its doors to a whole new people as well as opportunities for future entrepreneurship. This, however, has led to tougher competition too. The wider playing field also becomes a host of different businesses where people can learn, compete, and innovate.

And the best way to counter competition would be through innovation. Think about it as finding ways to put up your own playing field or even inventing a new game. If you innovate, you will basically be creating a whole new market and conquer that. Your education in entrepreneurship will help you become more prepared; innovation ensure success -if you take the right risks.

You have to realize that business is all about taking calculated risks, which can be learn through entrepreneurship education. Innovation can be a pretty big gamble, especially if you have virtually no idea how the market is going to react to the change you introduce. As such, you need to anticipate the different factors that may affect your innovations success. Keep in mind that in risk reduction is very important in the business.

Innovation isn't just about introducing a new product or service to the market. If you want to succeed, you need not use your education alone; you have to think outside the box and consider your business as an organic whole. This means you have to combine it with innovation can come in the form of a new and more efficient way of production.

Every entrepreneurship education as well as program encourages innovation and, in turn, innovation encourages progress. It is because of the constant competition between entrepreneurs that our civilization has reached the heights we have today.

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Entrepreneurship, Education and Values

The world of business is changing very fast. The last quarter century has witnessed a remarkable change in the manner business in India is run. From a predominance of owner-managed enterprises, we are witnessing a steady shift towards professional management.

The prime objective of a developing country like India is to achieve rapid, balanced and sustained rate of economic growth, which must be consistent with the principles of democracy, ensuring that the economic tasks will be in full accord with the interests of the humanity. Economic development if conceived without appropriate social changes soon becomes stagnated. The economic reforms initiated in 1991 have today made India one of the leading economies in the world.

Economic growth refers to an increase in a country's production or income per capita, with economy's total output of goods and services being measured by Gross National Product (GNP). At the present juncture, our economy needs more than growth. Economic development on the other hand goes beyond the economic growth to include changes in output, distribution and economic structure which may affect things such as improvement in material well being of poor, technical breakthrough, increase in economic activities and increase in the education level and improvement in the health.

The factors contributing to economic development are labor, technology, natural resources, capital and entrepreneurship. Successful new business ventures and economic development do not just happen. They are the result of combination of right environment, planning, effort and innovation. New business formation is the result of excellent human skills with developed technology added by available capital as well as other infrastructure to set in a development process. This right mix can only be achieved by entrepreneurs. India today has all the elements required to make it an economic giant, large technically qualified manpower, a huge consumer base, and a strong financial structure.

Indian industries and businesses operate in an environment entirely different from that in which American, European or even Japanese entrepreneurs do. We have mammoth problems of population, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and stagnation. This, coupled with an acute scarcity of resources, calls for ingenious management of what is available for the welfare of one and all. Unfortunately, a pan of our best talent, viz., young graduates, remains unexposed to and unconcerned with these problems. The aim of business education as taught by textbooks is making optimal, effective and efficient use of available resources. The objective, generally, is maximizing one's profits. What is needed today is a shift in thinking from the narrow domain of business to a broader concept of prosperity of the whole nation. The purpose of education should not only be to teach entrepreneurs generation of wealth but also its equitable distribution to ensure the well being of a country's production or income per capita, with the society at large.

A business is only a sub-organization of the society. The society is the largest possible kind of organization with goals of production, distribution and harmonizing individual relationships. If the aims of the part run contrary to those of the whole, the part will die out sooner or later. Therefore, we need entrepreneurs who do not think only in terms of business but also social welfare. Towards this end, we require entrepreneurs with social concern, social accountability, a broadened outlook and an Indian personality. These entrepreneurs will blend business sense with entrepreneurship.

The existing system of education in our country fails to inculcate such a vision in the young students. Careerism is the basic philosophy of students today. Most of the graduates prefer jobs with multi-national companies. Seldom do join they sectors that may be financially less rewarding but socially more satisfying. This mindset is partly a product of social norms and partly due to the education imparted to them. Therefore, we need a new model of education in this country which could create such entrepreneurs who have a larger view towards the society.

A student should receive not only training in technical and management aspects but also of a population, poverty, illiteracy, unemployment and sense of morals and ethics. If the educational system fails to achieve its goal of imparting skills with values - if it imparts only the wherewithal and not the judgment of right and wrong -the result will be a herd of competent but confused and directionless professionals. Unfortunately, that is the state of affairs in India today. In this context, both the institutions and enlightened educators must critically examine their crucial role in developing successful citizens of tomorrow.

Unfortunately education system today has degenerated into a process of information transmission. Value inculcation is largely ignored. Needless to say that even skill development is also not up to the mark. Education, should also concentrate on the development of social, moral, aesthetic and spiritual sides of an individuals personality. These have been largely ignored in the present day education.

Education as described above will prepare entrepreneurs of tomorrow who will blend business with social responsibility. They will still maximize profits, but for the cause of society and not at the cost of society. Harmonizing diverse forces and interests is an essential part of management. Harmonizing is always better than competition. An Indian education system will groom entrepreneurs who will replace competition with harmonization. They will be able to harmonize individual, organizational and social goals.

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